
Application for NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Programme

On 11 December 2017, Nagasaki University and London School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health (LSHTM), the world lea…

Mobile Clinic Delivers Health Services to Syrian Refugees

TMGH faculty members are taking part in JICA’s ongoing project titled “JICA Jordan country Syrian refugee host community…

Global Health Human Resources Strategy Centre Workshop GO UN for those interested in Working with the UN or International Organizations

Hosted by the Human Resource Strategy Center for Global Health of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, wh…


Applications to both, Nagasaki Sakamoto Campus and the Tokyo Satellite Campus, are now OPEN!Please proceed to the "A…

Field Trip Report 2017 The Philippines

Students of the MPH course participate in a short-term field training overseas every year in order to better understand and experience first hand the health system in a developing country. The compiled report for the 2017 MPH trip to the Philippines has been completed by the students and is now available for download.

Successful Applicants’ ID numbers 2017-2018 (Per. 3)


Dear TMGH Applicants of July 2017,

Thank you for your applications and interest in studying at the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health. Please check the PDF document below for a list of the ID numbers of all successful applicants.


TMGH student, Takuya Shizume, winner of best poster award at NTDASIA 2017, Thailand!

[:en]The Asian Neglected Tropical Diseases Conference, known as NTDASIA 2017 was held in Khon Kaen, Thailand over 8th to 9th March 2017. TMGH first batch student, Takuya Shizume participated the conference and won the best poster awards at NTDASIA2017 among 200 participants from over 25 different countries.<[:]


[:en]Applications to both, Nagasaki Sakamoto Campus and the Tokyo Satellite Campus, are now OPEN! Please proceed to the “Application Documents” page for details and form downloads![:]

Philippines: Director of San Lazaro Hospital and accompanying party’s visitation to TMGH

On November 8th, 2016, Winston Go, Director of the San Lazaro Hospital (Philippines), Virginia Dimapilis, Director of Education, Alexis Dimapilis, Director of Emergency Care, and Ferdinand Lazaro, Chief Nurse, visited the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health.  The visit was to promote student and research exchange between TMGH and San Lazaro hospital, and to finalize consent on further development of collaborative research…
