Messages from Graduates

Archive for ‘ 2021 ’

Thanawat Khongyotさん

Short message from Thanawat Khongyot,

That is my best experience time living abroad outside my country. An unforgettable experience in Japan has begun.

My name is Thanawat Khongyot from Thailand. I graduated M.Sc. (Health Innovation) from the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University.

Before I came here, “Tropical medicine” and “Global Health” were the main topics that I wanted to learn and bring this knowledge to develop the health system in my country. TMGH is the first school where I decided to come and discover these topics. I would say that “Experience-based knowledge” is one of my best appreciations. During my stay here, you can learn lectures from different disciplines worldwide in the international environment. You can get the best multicultural experiences with other students in the class. Health Innovation course is one of my recommended course to study. This course allows you to do what you want based on your laboratory and non-laboratory experiences. They also provided the extra-curriculum class for the students who wished to expand their skills and knowledge. TMGH facilities always support your research and academics, together with  NEKKEN (Japan’s most prominent tropical medicine institute). Honestly, I feel like TMGH is my second home; professors, administrative staff, and friends always care for and support each other. TMGH changed me to be different and stimulated me to be a good researcher. Thank you again for the best experience during my stay here.

Yumiko Hayashi

The experience on the Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H) gave me the opportunity to study again on the Master of Tropical Medicine (MTM) for further studies. My initial motivation was to become a doctor who could contribute to global health.

The MTM is a short, intensive course that is completed in one year (four terms in total). In the autumn term, MPH and MSc students from various nationalities and professional backgrounds study the basics of epidemiology, statistics, international health and hygiene. Tropical medicine is also covered in a comprehensive and specific way, from neglected tropical diseases to infectious diseases that are now not limited to the tropics. In the winter term, students individually begin to consider the content of their master’s research. In the spring term, a wide range of experts and participants gather at DTM&H from all over the world. You can acquire clinical knowledge and spend quality time in actual case studies with hospitals in the Philippines, Nepal and Vietnam. The summer term is the time to finalize the results of your research into a thesis, a valuable period during which you can concentrate on learning and deepening your own research topic and receive guidance from your supervisors and experts in the laboratory.

MTM has lots of attractive points. I was greatly inspired by the excellent colleagues from various professional backgrounds. Needless to say, it is a great experience that I was able to take classes from specialists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and other internationally and domestically well-known experts. In terms of research, I was taught in detail the essential elements of research ethics, conducting experiments and reading and writing papers. I am also endlessly grateful to the administrative staff who warmly supported me throughout my academic life.

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who would like to broaden their horizons with the experience they have gained so far.


