Messages from Graduates

Archive for ‘ International Health Development (MPH) ’

Kyoko Yoneda

As a nurse and midwife, I have been involved in the clinical care of women with social and economic difficulties, as well as in humanitarian assistance in disaster areas for NGOs. Through those experiences, I noticed refugee and migrant women and children were particularly vulnerable under those settings, so I wanted to learn how to build a system that facilitates access to health, which is a key role for the empowerment of them.

This fantastic MPH program is designed in a structured manner to help students learn different methodologies and develop perspectives to address global health concerns. The faculty staffs are experienced researchers as well. In the second year, students can integrate the knowledge gained in the first year and practices through a long-term overseas practicum including an internship and research activities. In my case, I did a five-month internship at The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Jordan, where I also conducted my research on postpartum depression among Palestine refugee mothers. That experience really helped me understand the health care policy-making processes as well as operations in the field. Through data collection for my study, I acquired critical skills that drove the project forward, and to think logically and critically about the data.

Looking back to my days with TMGH, I was given the gift of broadening my capacity to consider the provision of health services from multiple perspectives there. Above all, working hard with my great classmates and dedicated faculty coming from various nationalities and specialties equipped me with courage, enthusiasm, and humor, which are essential qualities required for working with a diverse group of people. I am sure that learning at TMGH will be an eye-opening experience and offer you deep insights into global health.

Chan Nyein Aung


TMGH is dedicated to improving global health via innovative research, education, and collaboration. With a faculty of renowned professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, TMGH provides a supportive academic development and innovation atmosphere.

As this program, “Public Health,” emphasizes a modern approach to public health, it suits our country, which is making efforts to face many challenges while implementing public health activities. We need not only to improve our capabilities but also to upgrade our thinking. For such thinking skills, we need to understand the conditions of our outer environment, which means various conditions and changes happening in other countries and their implementation plans according to their multiple contexts, demographic, political, sociocultural, economic, etc. By comparing and analyzing those conditions with ours, we can systematically highlight the needs and bad of our ways.

In addition to our rigorous academic programs, our two-week field trip to Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu, allows us to witness the real-world impact of global health initiatives. At the same time, the two-month internship program offers a chance to work alongside experts in the field. I conducted my internship at the International Support and Partnership for Health (ISAPH) in two places, Laos and Tokyo offices. These experiences will broaden my prospects and deepen my understanding of the challenges and opportunities in public health. The TMGH provides us with a solid academic foundation and nurtures our ambition to make the globe better and more equitable for all.

Looking forward to welcoming you to our TMGH family!

Shafiq Siita

As an employee of a social health insurance organization in Ghana, the need to have higher education in health financing and public health in general to better appreciate the socio-economic factors that influence health inequities (or equity) especially in less resourced countries was very apparent. Where to have that education, however, was not as much obvious. Well, that was, until my research discovered the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University.
Nagasaki University was a perfect match for me as its two-year public health course has a wide variety of courses handled by expert and skilled professors and allows students to select courses to fit their career aspirations or interest. The diversity in my class was very interesting and allowed for diversity in ideas and discussions on global health issues which helped me to appreciate how health challenges in different settings may require different health policy responses for effective resolution. However, the most appealing feature of the MPH program at the School for me is the requirement for students to undertake internship at reputable international global health organizations. This affords students the opportunity to practice, under the supervision and guidance of practicing global health experts, the theories and concepts they learn in the classroom. Of course, I can never forget the fulfilling and enriching learning and working experience I had at the Western Pacific Regional Office of the WHO in the Philippines during my internship there.
Making a good choice of university for one’s postgraduate education in public health can be very challenging: Nagasaki university however made my decision quiet an easy one and I enjoyed every single day of my stay there.

Chisato Masuda

My experience in this school was beyond what I expected at the enrollment. Here we learnt various global health issues from faculty across disciplines during the 1st year. It provided us the wide knowledge of tropical medicine and public health, my perspective and interests expanded with every new module. Diversity of background and origin country of students is another remarkable characteristic of this school, we continuously discussed the health and social issues across the world and learnt from each other. The 2nd year was the next step to apply the knowledge gained in the 1st year and more focus on the research. I worked at WHO Philippines office as an intern and conducted data collection for master’s research in the Philippines. Through the steps for conducting the field research in abroad, we could obtain the basic skill of scientific research. In this year, I guess all students experienced some problems with their plan and felt discouraged. However, those challenges definitely taught us how to find a way of making it work and grew ourselves. I am thankful to constant support and guidance from faculty and staffs in this institute.
Apart from the academic experience, I cherish every moment I spent with classmates. The friendship is the biggest attainment in this school. I am proud to be in this great network and hope to see or work together someday and somewhere in the world.

Takuya Shizume

graduates1 Hello, my name is Takuya Shizume (right). I am a 1st batch, Master of Public Health candidate, Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University.
I entered this Master of Public Health course to study disease prevention after working in the Solomon Islands as a Physiotherapist and a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer for 2 years. After the completion of this master degree, I am going to work in WHO/WPRO as a short-term consultant, and then in JICA as a full-time employee.
The most interesting part of this course is 5-month internship and 3-month research overseas (i.e. long term overseas practicum). In my case, I conducted 2-month internship in Asia Pacific Development center on Disability and 3-month internship in WHO Lao PDR country office. Regarding on my research, I conducted field survey on Schistosomiasis in southern Lao PDR in cooperation with Ministry of Health, Lao PDR.
I practically applied the acquired knowledge on statistics, epidemiology and data management etc to my field work during the internship and research. By doing so, I could have great field experiences and improve my skills in the field.
This study also enabled me to have good relationship with those who work in JICA, UN, Consultant company and NGOs. It also helped me to think about my future career.
In this 2-year course, you can spend precious time with precious friends and professors who have different expertise.

Satomi Ichino

graduates1The experiences I went through as a 1st batch student of TMGH were more than what I had expected before I entered the School. Specialized lectures such as Tropical Medicine and Global Health, the practical skills gained through the long-term internship, and research activities which allowed me to pursue what I had wanted to demonstrate were every feature of my TMGH achievements. Every lecture held during the 1st year was essential to my internship and research activities conducted in the 2nd year, therefore, the learning process of TMGH which allowed students to gain knowledge and also practical skills is reasonable and rational.
The most distinguished feature of TMGH is the close guidance of the faculty staff. Many students had difficulties in the Statistics and Epidemiology modules, reading scientific papers, and developing their research, however, with the help of the faculty staff we could overcome those difficulties. Students could have fruitful discussions and receive advice from the professors at any time. TMGH considers every student important, respects their will, and helps them find a path which is suitable for them.
My classmates from all over the world have now become wonderful colleagues who I can rely on for support when I experience difficulties or anxieties. I would like to be a part of Global Health development to make the most of what I learned at TMGH.

Yoko Watanabe

graduates9I have been working as a project manager as part of an NGO for the Community Development with Indigenous Children in Mindanao project in the Philippines for one year. I have experienced a lot such as going to the project area, which was on a mountain, by motorbike, participating in discussions with stakeholders such as the Department of Education, and having long staff meetings at the office.

This is a comprehensive project containing three aspects, education, health, and livelihood.  I am in charge of ‘livelihood’, but sometimes I feel anxious because it is the difficult to figure out how to ensure the sustainability of the project and produce results.  In those times, however, I am encouraged by the team work of the Filipino staff and the mothers working hard for the group.  They learn from this program and are optimistic, believing that, “We can find a way by continuing to learn”.

Even though I have gained a lot of experience from this project, this was only one step. I hope to keep learning about both health and community development in order to pursue a more effective approach to people-centered health projects.

(International Children’s Action Network (ICAN)(Philippines, Mindanao) )

Kumiko Goto

graduates8One year has passed since I graduated from Nagasaki University, Graduate School of International Health Development. Now I work in Zambia on the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health project. One of my goals, which was to work in the field of public health in Africa again after I left the JOCV, has finally come true.

During the course I was inspired by a message from Prof. Aoki, former dean of our course, who claimed that in the area of public health, we must see things from the view of both birds and earthworms, in other words, to see the entirety of the situations and issues from above and as an individual from the ground. This message was reinforced through the various lectures by our professors with their rich backgrounds. I learned that perceptions regarding diseases are based on the local culture and traditions, differing among various societies.  Therefore, it is essential to take into account the context and setting when dealing with them.

Apart from the lectures, the internship during the second year of the course gave me more comprehensive and practical ideas on how we needed to construct our project in order to confront the issues with the help of the local people, and what expertise and skills were expected when in the field.

The project that I am currently engaged in in Zambia aims to prevent “the three delays” associated with maternal death by constructing maternity waiting houses and training the community health workers.  I always remind myself to maintain the multiple perspectives that I gained in this course and take the opinions of local people into consideration for my project.

(JOICFP-Zambia, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) One stop service project in Zambia.)

Kyoko Inoue

graduates7Since completing my studies at the graduate school, I have been working as a clinical researcher in a public hospital located in a small city in Eastern Uganda alongside local NGOs and research organizations from the UK. Although I am trying my utmost to put into use the knowledge and experience I acquired from graduate school, and to open myself to new findings, there are many questions and challenges I face in the field every day.

I have come to the realization that simply applying practical knowledge to real life situations in the field is not enough. Aside from our work, professionals with knowledge and skills relating to international public health must also use what we know to maintain safe and healthy lives while living in developing countries.  During my graduate school internship program to Nairobi, Kenya, I experienced first-hand the dangers of terrorism, so now I put great effort into keeping my mind calm and stable so that I can assess various international situations accurately.

Whenever I feel lost or anxious about my current situation, messages from my friends who are also working all over the world, and remembering the words from my graduate school professors encourage me and give me the strength to go forward. (214words)

(Researcher in private companies, Saraya Co.,Ltd, Saraya East Africa Co.,Ltd ,Uganda, Public Health Expert in The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Association: HIDA, Uganda)

Yuko Suzuki

graduates6I took part in the Japan Oversea Cooperation Volunteer program as a nurse in Senegal and felt the importance of international health cooperation. I also believed that being a part of that was a rewarding experience for me.

After coming back from Senegal, I entered this graduate school in order to acquire specialized knowledge and skills so that I can return to the field as an expert. I really enjoyed studying for two years surrounded by professors who have rich experiences and classmates from different backgrounds.

While I learned how to work as part of a team in the short-term field training, I also developed the capacity to work independently through the internship and my research. More than simply learning about international health, I grew as a person and learned about myself as well. Furthermore, I met a lot of people and learned from them while in school. This network will be useful for my future career. After graduating, I would like to work in an international health consulting firm and put what I learned in graduate school into practice.

(International Techno Center Co., Ltd.)


