The Application Guidance for Master’s Programme for 2023 admissions is now available.Click here to get further informati…
A special feature article on Japanese research into NTDs (Neglected Tropical Diseases) was published in Nature, and Naga…
An exciting special lecture, "Targeting Vulnerability: Reducing Pediatric mortality and Morbidity in High-Risk Populatio…
On Friday 20 May, the TMGH Special Lecture will be given by Prof Judd Wlson, Department of Global Health, University of …
Research presentations by first-year students of the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health were held on 14 and 1…
The Application Guidance for the Department of Global Health (PhD) for 2022 admissions is now available.Click here t…
On Sunday 6 March 2022, a symposium was organised to connect experts in infectious disease epidemiology from Japan, th…
Please click here for the application guidelines for the 2022 doctoral programme of Nagasaki University Interfaculty Ini…
Following the online symposium between Japan and the UK held last year, we will be holding another symposium titled “Res…
English version of Nagasaki University Interfaculty Initiative in Planetary Health’s website is now available.For mo…