Philippines: Director of San Lazaro Hospital and accompanying party’s visitation to TMGH

On November 8th, 2016, Winston Go, Director of the San Lazaro Hospital (Philippines), Virginia Dimapilis, Director of Education, Alexis Dimapilis, Director of Emergency Care, and Ferdinand Lazaro, Chief Nurse, visited the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health.  The visit was to promote student and research exchange between TMGH and San Lazaro hospital, and to finalize consent on further development of collaborative research.


During the closing ceremony, TMGH’s Director, Kita Kiyoshi, Prof. Akiko Matsuyama, Prof. Sharon Cox, and staff member Saito Nobuo were in attendance for the signing of an agreement for future cooperation


Since Nagasaki University and San Lazaro Hospital entered into an Academic Exchange Agreement in 2004, students from the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (where TMGH’s MTM course originated) have been conducting collaborative research in cooperation with the Hospital. Since the opening of TMGH in 2015, Mr. Nobuo Saito has relocated and is now based at the joint research laboratory at the San Lazaro Hospital and conducts educational research regarding infectious diseases and health disparities in developing countries.


This visit is expected to contribute to further development of student exchanges and collaborative research between the two parties, with the ultimate goal of improving and possibly solving urgent health issues in the Philippines, such as the prevention of infectious diseases.


In addition to visiting TMGH, visits were also conducted with Nagasaki University’s President Katamine, as well as the University Hospital.


Visitation with President Katamine:


San Lazaro Hospital website:

Commemorative photo after signing of Agreement

Commemorative photo after signing of Agreement

During conference

During conference

More Information

  1. Master’s Programme Application Guide 2024 Additional Admissions is now available.(Application Period 18 to 24 June 2024)
  2. Application opens for the NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Programme for Global Health for 2024 admissions
  3. Announcement of research project: COVID-19 travel survey
  4. The Application Guidance for Master’s Programme Application Guide for 2024 admissions is now available.
  5. Additional applications for the DrPH program for admission in October 2023 are being accepted.
