Announcement of research project: COVID-19 travel survey

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This study aims to document the international travel experience during the time of COVID-19. There are two surveys; one for travellers and one for people who were undertaking COVID-19 travel related work, such as for an airline, airport, quarantine hotel.

(1) Survey for travellers

We are seeking anyone who undertook any international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic (between January 2020 – April 2023) to share their experiences via our online survey:

Link to the Japanese version of the survey

Link to the English version of the survey.

(2) Survey for workers

Please complete this survey if you undertook any work related to COVID-19 travel during the pandemic (between January 2020 – April 2023)

Link to the Japanese version of the survey

Link to the English version of the survey

We hope that findings from this survey will contribute to the documentation of this unprecedented social phenomenon and improve the experience of travel in the future. This study is funded by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) For more information please contact the study principal investigator:

More Information

  1. 2024 Nagasaki University School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Department of Global Halth (Doctoral Programme) Successful Applicants’ ID numbers for the Entrance Examination
  2. Master’s Programme Application Guide 2024 Additional Admissions is now available.(Application Period 18 to 24 June 2024)
  3. Application opens for the NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Programme for Global Health for 2024 admissions
  4. The Application Guidance for Master’s Programme Application Guide for 2024 admissions is now available.
  5. Additional applications for the DrPH program for admission in October 2023 are being accepted.
