A video interview with Prof Hamano is available on the website of GHIT (Global Health Innovative Technology Fund)

A video interview with Prof Shinjiro Hamano is available on the website of GHIT (Global Health Innovative Technology Fund).
Prof. Hamano is working on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) with a budget from GHIT and talks about the contribution of the GHIT Fund from a researcher’s point of view in the video.

Please watch the video interview on the following page.

More Information

  1. 2024 Nagasaki University School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Department of Global Halth (Doctoral Programme) Successful Applicants’ ID numbers for the Entrance Examination
  2. Master’s Programme Application Guide 2024 Additional Admissions is now available.(Application Period 18 to 24 June 2024)
  3. Application opens for the NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Programme for Global Health for 2024 admissions
  4. Announcement of research project: COVID-19 travel survey
  5. The Application Guidance for Master’s Programme Application Guide for 2024 admissions is now available.
