Open Lecture and special lecture by Dr. Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum

Dr. Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and laureate for the Third Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize for Medical Research was invited to give both a public lecture and a special lecture at Sakamoto Campus, Nagasaki University. The lectures were held over two days from 3 September to 4 September 2019.

The open lecture on day one of his visit was about the Ebola virus: “L’essentiel sur la Maladie à virus Ebola “(Essential Knowledge on the Ebola Virus). It was held in the Ryojun Auditorium and was conducted in French with simultaneous translation into Japanese. About 120 people participated, including members of the general public, prefectural high school students, university officials, and foreign students from French speaking countries, who all listened intently to Dr. Muyembe’s talk about the Ebola virus.

His topic for the special lecture on day two was “New tools for Ebola Virus Disease”. The lecture was held in the large Seminar Room 1F, Global Health General Research Building. It was mainly aimed at researchers and graduate students and was held in English. In the question and answer session after the lecture, Dr. Muyembe engaged in a lively exchange of ideas and information with faculty members and young researchers.

Later, following a cross-cultural exchange comprising of luncheon and a presentation by international students from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dr. Muyembe toured the city of Nagasaki with the students.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Muyembe and all who visited the venue for the successful conclusion of the public and special lectures held over the two days.

More Information

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  2. Application opens for the NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Programme for Global Health for 2024 admissions
  3. Announcement of research project: COVID-19 travel survey
  4. The Application Guidance for Master’s Programme Application Guide for 2024 admissions is now available.
  5. Additional applications for the DrPH program for admission in October 2023 are being accepted.
