A cross-sectoral and collaborative event on the theme of global health was held

A cross-sectoral / collaborative event on the theme of global health (international health) was co-held by Professor Sharon Cox (School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health) and Assistant Professor Tadanori Fujino (Office for Global Relations) at the Bunkyo Campus Student Hall on Thursday, 12 December 2019.

Global health is an academic field that requires cross-disciplinary efforts and a comprehensive approach to various health issues that surround people. In 2018, Nagasaki University’s ” Global Health Elite Programme for Building a Healthier World ” was selected for the WISE program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The joint doctoral degree programme with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, centering on the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, is also well underway. This event was organized by Nagasaki University in its capacity as a university with various faculties within the humanities and the sciences, graduate schools, and centers that work together on health issues in Japan and the world. There were forty-one participants in all who joined from the following schools:  Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences; the School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences; the Graduate School of Engineering; the Office for Global Relations; the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health (TMGH); the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; and the Faculty of Economics. On the day, the event was in the form of workshops conducted in English. There was a group for eco-health in Cambodia led by Associate Professor Yuzuru Utsunomiya and consisting of faculty members of the Faculty of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences. The topic was “What are the conditions to ensure healthy water and food resources sustainably? Supra -ecohealth research in the Lower Mekong River”.  Ten people (see list below) also gave presentations on the connection between their own research and global health, including the introduction of the LAVICORD Project in Lake Victoria, Kenya in 2014-2016.  Finally, Professor Cox summarized the areas and themes for cross-disciplinary research, and the potential of Nagasaki University to contribute to global health.

(Left) Prof. Wada of the Faculty of Fisheries presents the Cambodian initiatives

(Right) Coordinator Ms. Yamaura introduces health issues in the SDGs.


(Left) The Dean of TMGH gives the opening speech.

(Right) Professor Cox gives her summary.


List of Presenters

Name Affiliation Title
1 Professor Minoru Wada Faculty of Fisheries EcoHealth Approach in Cambodia – Mekong River project
2 Associate Professor Satoru Komatsu School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences Water for life: Development initiatives for Global Health
3 Professor Tomoaki Itayama

Graduate School of Engineering

Toxic water bloom treatment in Lake Victoria (Kenya)
4 Coordinator Kimiyo Yamaura Strategy staff Office for Global Relations SDGs and Nagasaki University
5 Assistant Professor Taro Ueda Graduate School of Engineering Developing a new sensor for Malaria detection
6 Professor Masanari Kimura Graduate School of Engineering Development of synthetic production of bioactives
7 Professor Hideki Nakayama Faculty of Environmental Science Environmental biotechnology for waste recycling
8 Associate Professor CHRIS NG FOOK SHENG School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health Environmental epidemiology in Global Health
9 Assistant Professor Keiko Sato Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Peridontal health in Global Health
10 Benjamin Faguer
Specially Appointed Researcher
School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health Inventing digital solutions for Global Health
11 Assistant Professor
Fritz Robinson Enrique
Faculty of Economics Foreign language and intercultural development

More Information

  1. Announcement of successful candidates of the NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Programme for Global Health for 2025 admissions. Please check the PDF document below for a list of Nagasaki University Applicant Number of successful candidates.
  2. Two-Dose Pneumococcal Vaccine in Children Demonstrates Non-inferiority to WHO’s Three-dose Schedule in Carriage Prevention – Fewer Child Pneumococcal Shots: New England Journal of Medicine Study Shows Path to Affordable and Sustainable Vaccination Programs –
  3. Application opens for the NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Programme for Global Health for 2025 admissions
  4. Signing of Joint Research Agreement for the Designing of a universal Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit for Chagas Disease with Nagasaki University, Tulane University, and IS Global; Supported by GHIT Fund
  5. Mr. Ezenwanne, a graduate of the TMGH Master’s program, received third place in the ‘MSPTM Student Competition – Rapid Oral Presentation’ at the 21st International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria.

