On November 8th, 2016, Winston Go, Director of the San Lazaro Hospital (Philippines), Virginia Dimapilis, Director of Education, Alexis Dimapilis, Director of Emergency Care, and Ferdinand Lazaro, Chief Nurse, visited the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health. The visit was to promote student and research exchange between TMGH and San Lazaro hospital, and to finalize consent on further development of collaborative research…
On October 3rd, the Entrance Ceremony was held in honor of the 2nd batch of students attending the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health.
This year, we welcomed…
On September 20th, 2016, the graduation ceremony was held for our MTM students. Beginning in October 2015, this is the first group of graduates from the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health…
バクマイ病院(ベトナム社会主義共和国)との間の学術交流協定を締結 (2016年3月8日)3月2日、長崎大学とバクマイ病院(Bachmai Hospital)は学術交流協定を締結しました。ハノイ市にあるバクマイ病院で行われた調印…