NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Degree Programme for Global Health

NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Degree Programme for Global Health

The Three Policies of the NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Programme for Global Health

  1. Those who possess the ability to conduct research and high academic excellence (Knowledge)
  2. Those who wish to contribute to improvement in the field of global health through the Nagasaki University -LSHTM Joint PhD Programme (Mission/Attitude)
  3. Those who display the ability to collaborate successfully within multicultural/multidisciplinary groups (Sociability and multicultural integration)

TMGH strives to train global health professionals in line with its diploma policy, by selecting an appropriate research area of doctoral research in the field of global health, carefully reviewing prior research, examining and deciding upon significant innovative research subjects. Students acquire knowledge and skills through a curriculum that cultivates their ability to carry out research and make their results publicly available.

  1. Curriculum to select the research area:
    a) A thorough examination of previous research through a systematic literature search;
    b) Select reliable information through a critical reading of literature;
    c) Present results through substantive discussions in an interdisciplinary research supervisory team setting.
  2. Curriculum for creating a research plan and preparing for the Qualifying Examination:
    a) Careful exploration and determination of a meaningful, innovative research subject;
    b) Seminars and tutorials on research plan preparation and protocol.
  3. Curriculum for the mastering of research techniques:
    a) In line with individual research plans and protocol, seminars and tutorials on research techniques, epidemiological survey techniques, and the acquisition of necessary basic knowledge and techniques will be conducted (knowledge will also be supplemented by attending a Master’s class etc. if necessary).
  4. Doctoral Research Tuition:
    a) Discussion of research thesis and methods, tailored to progress of doctoral research, plus checking of results;
    b) Supervision of preparation for actual research thesis (including the final examination).
  1. Ability and knowledge to take an overhead view of global health in its entirety.
  2. Through the experience of international collaborative research promoted by Japan-UK and participation in international joint programmes, people will possess the skills to spearhead research and activities in the field of international collaborative research etc.
  3. Ability to promote scientific research in the global health field and publish results.
  4. Scientifically-sound knowledge and ability to make an impact in the field.

More specifically, TMGH seeks professionals with the advanced research skills necessary for engaging in highly specialized work as researchers in the global health field; people with a rich foundation of knowledge, who can conduct research activities independently as researchers, and will promote international collaborative research and practical projects in the international global health field, in particular, research etc. jointly implemented by TMGH and LSHTM.

Outline of the Department of NU-LSHTM Joint PhD Degree Programme for Global Health

Duration: 3 years

Completion Requirements:
Successful completion of a research thesis and pass final examination conducted by Joint Academic Committee (JAC) which comprises of members from both London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Nagasaki University


In principle, the Joint PhD Programme’s curriculum is designed so research students at Nagasaki University are supervised under the international collaborative research project between Japan and UK (Nagasaki University and LSHTM). In order to be supervised by the international collaborative project’s group, the research student’s research proposal and research capability must meet the criteria. Furthermore, students are required to pass the Qualifying Examination conducted during the 4th Quarter in the first year. Only the successful research students will be approved to join the international collaborative research project under the guidance of supervisors of the international collaborative research group.

Team Supervision

The PhD Programme provides research based training. Since Global Health is the main academic research area of study, Nagasaki University has appointed academic staff specialized in “Tropical Medicine”, “International Health Development” and “Health Innovation” and will allocate a lead supervisor according to the student’s research area.

In addition to a lead supervisor, team supervision also consists of two co-supervisors who will be appointed from different areas of research to support students. For the research student of the Joint PhD Programme, supervisors will be appointed from both LSHTM and Nagasaki University. If a lead supervisor is appointed from LSHTM, one of the co-supervisors will be appointed from Nagasaki University.

Top Level Research Programme

World class faculty members from LSHTM will be supervising research students and overseeing programmes of study and providing expert advice.

Tuition Fee and Admission Fee

■Tuition Fees

Research student enrolled for the Joint PhD Programme will pay half the annual tuition fee that would normally be paid to both Nagasaki University and LSHTM. Currently, the tuition fees are set as follow:

Nagasaki University JPY 267,900 (annual)

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine GBP 3,210 (annual)

■Nagasaki University Application Fee and Admission Fee

Applicants who pass the preliminary shortlisting process will be invited for the interview in order to complete the application. These applicants are required to pay the Nagasaki University application fee during the designated payment period. Prospective graduate students of Nagasaki University who wish to continue their studies on the Joint PhD programme from October 2024 should send an email to: before paying the application fee.

Application Fee

・Application fee JPY 30,000

・Application fee payment period: Upon receipt of notification of being shortlisted until 1 March 2024

・Payment method will be notified to shortlisted applicants

[Important notice for your application]

  1. Applications will not be considered in the following cases:
    The applicant does not pay the application fee; the applicant fails to provide the payment certificate attached to Nagasaki University’s transfer payment certificate attachment slip; or the payment certificate.
  2. The application fee is not refundable except in the following circumstances:
    The application fee was paid but the application documents were insufficient or they accidentally paid the application fee twice. In principle, the refund charge must be borne by the applicant and a request for a refund must be made within 14 days from the last day of the application period.

Admission fee

・Admission Fee JPY 282,000

・Payment period will only be notified to the successful applicants on the offer letter
